I am back to write something. And sorry because i'm not intend to continue on with the 'kuih raya' post, because hey! it's already the 3rd week of Syawal right? (nampak sangat kemalasan disitu)
This year I have got so many wedding invitations from close cousins, friends, seniors and etc. Two invitations from cousins, two more from friends, four from seniors and the list goes on~
Well, it is my first time having those kind of invitations. Being 20 is when people will stop thinking that you are a little kid and start seeing you as a grown up. So that is when your aunt, your neighborhood aunt and your friend's mum will start asking you some question that you don't even yet have the answer for it.. like "Do you have someone special?".. teeheee.. *forced smile*
And i was like.. "huh?? Special who?.. " pretending that it was unclear.. Yeah, i will tend to ignore those kind of question, because i still believe that i was too immature for it. Do i look like i'm ready for this marriage thing? I myself couldn't even guarantee it.
Being 20 is not about marrying someone or what. It is when you realize that you have to do things on your own, being less burden to your parents, and start planning for your future. Well of course getting married is a part of future, but it just a part of it, not EVERYTHING. I still have lots and lots of things to achieve in life and my life shouldn't be just like any plain normal routine life. :)
I have Allah to worship, my parents to take care of (as for now, they will be taking care of me instead.. hehe), to be a good sister to my younger siblings, a great friends, a surviving medical student, a good neighbor, and etc...
See life is not just about getting married right? Make a check list to see how much we improve our relationship with them first. Do we still carry on with our responsibility?
It is true that marrying someone you love is a happy thing. It was a bless. But love itself don't give any good if we do not yet prepare ourself with the responsibility; which direction should the marriage heading to? what kind of parents we should be? how our kids future looks like? It is all you need to think and plan from now on! It is the most important thing in life before anyone of us get married. Marriage is a continuous and a climbing process, it does not stop when the 'akad' was made, it start with it.
If you ever heard the saying by Imam al-Ghazali, he once said that "The education for our children begins 20years before the birth of the child"
So, what else can we do? Start preparing and improving ourself first!
9 months ago
ke'mature'an tak kira dari segi umur :P
waiting for that cont of kuih raya post.bagai bulan jatuh ke riba.LOL!
sebab tuh la, walaupun orang cakap dah 20 tahun.. tapi hakikatnya masih lagi terperangkap dlm pemikirn budak2.. tehhee :)
laa menunggu ka.. malas la zihah.. gambar dah ada, cuma malas nak tulis.. huahuahua >.<
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