Good Morning readers,
i went to bed early yesterday.
and tada! here i am, writing this dusty boring blog right after ma'thurat and fajr prayer.
i don't know how should i put my words,
but today i just want to talk about being different and bla bla bla..
hhrrmm okay, so...
we are created differently,
we act differently,
we talk differently,
we walk differently,
and we are indeed DIFFERENT!
even twins are not the same in some aspect. huh~
but the different that we had, doesn't mean that we can't stay together having the same idea and share the same thought..
even twins are not the same in some aspect. huh~
but the different that we had, doesn't mean that we can't stay together having the same idea and share the same thought..
thats it!
even the holy Quran had already stated for decades, that people comes from different background, gender, or races are created so that we can know and interact with each other,
living in a community together.
but the point is..
how should we react,
how should we react,
what did we expect to learn from this,
if we prefer being ALONE???
or what-so-people-called it as an "individualism".
a person that tend to be away from the society.
took care of things that only matter to him/her.
and as this world just resolve around them. (ohh please..)
listen here..!!
you may did thousands of personality questionnaire,
and get listed as an individualistic person by everyone that sees you,
but it doesn't mean that you will get a green pass to stay away from the community.
because you are already part of it!
yeah, it is a fact.
that you definitely can't avoid it.
even if you try to run, you will always bump into it.
trust me (with nodding head)
why i'm telling you this mates??
you figure it out by yourself.
did you expect to die by your own?
digging your own grave?
and put yourself down in those deep hole? (read : liang lahad)
i will say naahh,
people will do it for you instead.
don't gave others lame excuses that you cannot participate this, doing that, work with this and bla bla bla.
the reality is, everyone can!
it is WE who determine what we should do and what is not.
thus, reorganize our mental set right!!
to conclude this,
i must say that.
tho differences we had.
we share the same thing.
we are HUMAN-BEING; the best creation that Allah had ever created.
to be a 'khalifah' in this world.
and if others can, why can't we??
maybe we will not fall for the same career or talent that other posses,
but deep inside us, we had a talent that vary us from others.
the uniqueness that brings diversity and vitality to our surrounding populace.
stop thinking for our own, and do it together as a WHOLE.
who knows if we might change the world!!
thats all from now.
will write again later.... :)
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show our support towards our brothers and sisters in Palestine. why? because we are MUSLIMS and we care! |
*p.s : yeah, class start pukul 12! weeee~ :)*
*p.s.s : Jom cakna hari nie 15/5 "Hari Nakbah"; like this page, and change your DP!*
*p.s.s.s : 60 hari lagi sebelum balik Malaysia.. tak sabar-sabar :P *
*p.s.s.s : 60 hari lagi sebelum balik Malaysia.. tak sabar-sabar :P *
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