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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Birthday Lagi..


Harap masih ada lagi orang yang nak baca post kali ni. Walaupun selepas pointless dan helpless entry-entry terdahulu yang agak takde paedahnya membosankan.

(Kalau takdak orang baca pon, jari jemari gemok-gemok nie masih lagi menari-nari atas keyboard nie, jangan risau!)

Hari nie Birthday Widad Shukri yang ke-20 tahun!!
Akak TKB kita nie dah tua rupanya, haha (walaupun nampak kecil lagi..)
"wishing you, selamat hari lahir, semoga panjang umur dalam redhaNya, dimurahkan rezeki, happy dan healthy selalu, all the best in life dan semoga cepat dapat jodoh! " :P

majoriti hadiah beliau adalah koleksi Spongebob!! (>.<)"

memang kuning habis laa katil sebelah nie... eeerrkk?!


Hari nie juga orang skype setelah hampir sebulan lebih.
Ya! Ya! Ya!
Orang memang "SUKA" buat pusingan sebulan sekali ja, sebab time nie laa boleh all out segala macam perasaan yang terbuku sejak zaman moyat moyang cucu cicit piut dulu. Jadi normal la kalau orang cakap yang orang skype MINIMUM 2 jam sahaja. minimum okay..

dan hari nie bukan family orang ja yang ada dekat rumah..
nenek, ucu, achik, affan, semua ada...

CUTI SEKOLAH..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  T__T

jealous tengok semua orang berkumpul ramai-ramai dekat rumah. dah macam raya, walaupun Rejab pon tak habis lagi.. uhuk uhuk~
dan hujung minggu nie family pak chaq pulak nak datang, dengan aunty rozita.
tak payah dah susah-susah nak jemput buat housewarming party, memang orang datang tanpa dijemput..hahaha (just kidding)


hari nie jugak result CVS dengan Epidemiology keluar!
orang kalau boleh tak nak bercerita panjang.
sebab rasa tak layak pulak nak jaja kisah diri sendiri yang entah apa-apa.
yang pastinya result orang kali nie jatuh merudum, kalah bunyi buah durian gugur, seriously!
orang rasa terhentak jugak, sebab selama nie orang selalu duduk dalam comfort zone sampai tak sedar yang orang dah jauh lalai dengan benda-benda keduniaan nie.
jadi semuanya point back to myself lah.

nie macam indirect motivation untuk orang teruskan berusaha dalam final nanti.
tinggal sebulan setengah ja lagi untuk balik Malaysia.

tapi tuh la, orang nie kadang-kadang selalu terlampau leka.
orang suka online walaupun tak buat apa-apa.
orang suka search sana, search sini.
download software yang entah apa-apa, pastu bila tak best..delete!
pastu download pulak yang lain.
macam pointless kan?! huhu..

jadi kawan-kawan kalau rasa orang terlampau terleka, kejutkan orang.
kalau rasa orang banyak buang masa, tegur orang.

dalam masa terdekat nie exam Respiration.
jadi orang agak cuak sebab banyak jugak yang orang tak cover lagi.
dan modul nie lagi heavy dari CVS orang rasa.
doakan yer kawan-kawan.. :)

sampai sini dulu.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Being Different!


Good Morning readers,
i went to bed early yesterday.
and tada! here i am, writing this dusty boring blog right after ma'thurat and fajr prayer.

i don't know how should i put my words,
but today i just want to talk about being different and bla bla bla..

hhrrmm okay, so...
we are created differently,
we act differently,
we talk differently,
we walk differently,
and we are indeed DIFFERENT!

even twins are not the same in some aspect. huh~

but the different that we had, doesn't mean that we can't stay together having the same idea and share the same thought..

O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted [49:13]

thats it!
even the holy Quran had already stated for decades, that people comes from different background, gender, or races are created so that we can know and interact with each other,
living in a community together.

but the point is..
how should we react, 
what did we expect to learn from this, 
if we prefer being ALONE???
or what-so-people-called it as an "individualism".
a person that tend to be away from the society.
took care of things that only matter to him/her.
and as this world just resolve around them. (ohh please..)

listen here..!!
you may did thousands of personality questionnaire,
and get listed as an individualistic person by everyone that sees you,
but it doesn't mean that you will get a green pass to stay away from the community.
because you are already part of it!

yeah, it is a fact.
that you definitely can't avoid it.
even if you try to run, you will always bump into it.
trust me (with nodding head)

why i'm telling you this mates??
you figure it out by yourself.

did you expect to die by your own?
digging your own grave?
and put yourself down in those deep hole? (read : liang lahad)

i will say naahh,
people will do it for you instead.

don't gave others lame excuses that you cannot participate this, doing that, work with this and bla bla bla.
the reality is, everyone can!
it is WE who determine what we should do and what is not.
thus, reorganize our mental set right!!

to conclude this,
i must say that.
tho differences we had.
we share the same thing.
we are HUMAN-BEING; the best creation that Allah had ever created.
to be a 'khalifah' in this world.

and if others can, why can't we??
maybe we will not fall for the same career or talent that other posses,
but deep inside us, we had a talent that vary us from others.
the uniqueness that brings diversity and vitality to our surrounding populace.

stop thinking for our own, and do it together as a WHOLE.
who knows if we might change the world!!

thats all from now.
will write again later.... :)

show our support towards our brothers and sisters in Palestine. why? because we are MUSLIMS and we care!

*p.s : yeah, class start pukul 12! weeee~ :)*
*p.s.s : Jom cakna hari nie 15/5 "Hari Nakbah"; like this page, and change your DP!*
*p.s.s.s : 60 hari lagi sebelum balik Malaysia.. tak sabar-sabar :P *

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Start the Countdown!

cik shazwani telah memulakan countdown beliau.
anda bila lagi?

yeah..!! jom start menghitung hari nak balik Malaysia~ (lompat)
to be specific, 70 days more.. HAHA :D

tak tahu kenapa tahun nie homesick dia melampau dari tahun lepas.
padahal dah second year =.=" ggrrr..
maybe sebab lots of thing yang berlaku dekat Malaysia tahun nie.
bukan BERSIH 3.0 okay!
its family matter. heh~

selepas hampir sebulan tak skype.
my dad telah mengambil langkah awal dengan menghantar mesej suruh skype before i intend to do the same.. (dowh, selalunya orang yang minta nak skype.. haha)

but i know that, bukan my dad yang suruh online tuh..
ada jasad lain yang nak..
siapa lagi kalau bukan big sister yang tengah goyang kaki sambil menyanyi lagu balik kampung by sudirman dekat wall facebook orang. kihkih >.<

lepas elok-elok ja setup video call tuh terpampang lah muka big sis depan screen.. haha (bolat..)
we talk like we never met for years..

okay tipu.. for months ada laa kot..
sampai 3 jam lebih duduk depan laptop..

lots of thing to share, gossips to tell, story to listen..
when tiba-tiba someone show off a broken leg infront of the screen.
and i was like "KAKI SIAPA TUH???!!" T_T

it was my dad broken leg.
he fell from the stairs when he try to clean the window.
those thing happen for a month already
and no one ever told me about it
i just get to know it today??

i ask.. why? why you never told me?
and my dad simply said..
"tak nak ada orang buat drama hindustan pulak nanti.."
hahahahahahahaha.. :P

okay, headshot.. sebab waktu dapat tahu yang ayah patah kaki pon, air mata nie dah start meleleh.. sobs sobs.
bukan apa, risau ja.
bila patah kaki, tak leh drive, tak leh pergi kerja, tak leh nak jalan banyak sangat.
glad that doctor bagi MC, cuti bergaji.. hihi :)

apa-apa pon hope that ayah sihat selalu.
ceria and happy always :)

and ohh!
just dapat tahu yang kami akan berpindah.
sebenarnya tak tahu how i suppose to react bila dengar berita nie.
sebab firstly, pindah memang best
rumah baru, perabot baru, everything BARU!
but, at the same time rasa berat hati nak tinggalkan tempat yang i have been living there for almost 20years
childhood friend, jiran, pasar malam depan rumah, kedai stationery 'kent lee' kesayangan, burger astaka, mak cik ina goreng pisang.. how can?

dan paling sedih ialah, diaorang nak pindah tak tunggu orang balik pon!
dan ini bermaksud, sejurus selepas menjejakkan kaki di airport penang, i will be taken directly to rumah baru.. no more BUKIT GEDUNG! T_T wuaaahh~~ (tersembur-sembur)

jadi tak sempat la nak wish goodbye.. :'(

buat farewell dalam nie pon jadilah.

bye bye rumah.
sayonara aunty sham, aunty rozie, aunty aida, mak cik aton dan semua jiran yang baik hati :')
annyeong shiro (kucing depan rumah)

i should have stop before lebih banyak melalut ucap selamat tinggal dekat tunggul pokok dekat tempat parking kereta pulak. =.=

gonna miss this place, nampak calm ja.. huhu~

thats all, till we meet again.