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Saturday, 10 December 2011

Sanah Helwah Aiman Saari

Assalamualaikum wbt. :)

it is a special day.. 
the day when i'm officially becoming a "kakak" to this lovely baby boy..
i was just 1 year & 3 months old. 
knowing nothing but crying plus those thumb suckling habit. :P

with my older sister which is one year older than me, and my new baby brother which is one year younger, you can tell that the age gap difference between us are not that small wide.. (beza sorang setahun ja pon; 3thn-2thn-1thn)

and imagine the hardship that my mum went through in all these years raising 3 of us ALL together.
(well, my house use to have 3 baby rocker (buaian bayi) at the same time and tons of pampers diapers petpet prepared ; especially when going out.. dah macam beg baju pakai BESARnya)
it is definitely not an easy task..! doing it alone while my father went out working, my grandma not by herside (kampung jauh sangat & atuk pun dah tak sesihat macam dulu..) 
she is truly my SUPERWOMEN~ 

[asal tiba-tiba jauh menyimpang dari tajuk nieh?? erkk.. dah macam entry untuk hari ibu pun ada.. =.="]

okay.. back to the topic~

jap! dekat mana berhenti tadi? 
ohhh gap sejam setahun tuh kan.. ok mesyi~

to be precise he was born in 11 . 12 . 1993 at 11.12 pm.
well, he is the only child in my family that was born late at night.. (spesel la sangat tuh)
after having two girls in the house which is my sister and i, we finally have a baby boy!! yeah alhamdulillah~ (tolong jangan pedulikan pengunaan 'we' di situ)
and that makes our house merrier than ever (bertambah geng nak main yeah..!! hehe) :)

BUT.. like people always said, "boy rules!", well indeed he is..
during our childhood years, we do "play" together a lot.. i mean, not that ordinary play... to be more precise, you can call it as bully! YES! BULLY ! (siapa buli siapa ni?)
tengok balik statement atas yang ber'inverted coma', ber'bold', dan bergaris.. wuahhh T_T (dah faham kan? malas nak elaborate panjang-panjang.. sakit hati lawak bila teringat balik)

sampai one day nie, i just feel like nak buang dia dalam tong sampah besar bawah rumah tuh ja.. imagine la betapa "BAHAGIA" nya perasaan waktu tuh.. (sambil tarik kaki budak tuh heret masuk tong) zreett zreett *sound effect*

[well, well, budak kecik... macam-macam..usah dikenang masa dahulu silam. ayuh maju ke hadapan]

Now, we have all grown up!
and taking different path in life.
i'm in egypt striving for medicine, my sister in "toronto" trying her best in becoming the world best engineer (ok kat tronoh ja pon), and Aiman in Taylor's for his A-level.
the thought that we can't play together just like before, was a poignant..

eventhough, we do fight a lot, but we always know that we do care for each other a lot..

i love the drinks that you make! (nak milo ais). love the scrambled eggs that you cook! (walaupun tak masak dengan sempurna). and love the time when we spend together talking all day long about football, gadgets, cars, software, knowledge, bla bla bla..
[maaf kalau terlebih jiwang, i know that hang akan geli kalau baca benda nie.]

Thanks for everything Man... :)

Here's to another year of experience,

May today be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love.
Pray to Allah Almighty,
And show some faith and dignity,
Quran be at your side,
Islam giving you a pride,
Sunnah be a light for you,
That will glow and let you do,
All the acts to make you feel,
Nothing but this land is real.

till then, wasalam :)


1) #fact : the 3 of us growing up together till my mum gave birth to Aimran, which is 4 years later. quite a long period of time.. (ada point ka kalau bagitau, okay fine. ignore. please)

2) to Aiman, i hope you didn't read this, sebab hang akan realize yang hang ada seorang kakak yang sangat gedik baik nak mati buat entry dalam blog sempena birthday hang bagi satu dunia baca! (perlu kah??)

3) okay, gambar-gambar di bawah hanya untuk mencantikkan lagi post nie supaya tak nampak sangat penuh dengan perkataan-perkataan yang panjang berjela-jela, sekurang-kurangnya kalau tak baca sampai habis pon, ada benda untuk dijamu kan.. =.=

peringatan : jangan makan eskrem sambil berdiri na,
sangat tak sopan.. ish3~
3 of us~ haha.. :)


Birdy said...

argh..picture tu I'm LITTLE bit BOYISH.. -.-
serius jiwang wani..
btw just write there toronto..hahahha
and the BULLY to just refer to you i'm the strongest.. ;p
nice post anyway..

Shazwani Saari said...

okay.. wani di buli oleh kak aimi dgn aiman.. fine..
ada lori ada bas,
ada hari wani tak nak balas..

Shazwani Saari said...

and lagi satu, yg tuh saja pic yang wani bawak dtg mesir.. so terima ja lah.. kalu nak tlg post kan pic lain boleh jgak. haha

Birdy said...

emm..x nk kalu gmbr time kecik lg org kt baby boy.. -.-
tp..argh..x blh stop dr bc post ni..
asyik baca dan baca dan baca..

Shazwani Saari said...

memang dah macam baby boy nak buat camna.. tuh la lain kali time kecik2 x yah nak taff2 sangat.. banyakkan lagi menangis.. baru orang ingat perempuan. haha :P
kenapa asyik baca.. bukan nya best sgt pon.. hoho.. (org yg dimentionkan x baca apa)

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