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Monday, 12 December 2011

#repost 2 (5 matters that only Allah knows about)

Bismillahhirrahmannirrahim. Peace be upon you 
Allahumma solli 3ala sayidina Muhammad,

continue on with my #repost entry. :)

Everyday we will learn something new in our life. 
and it doesn't matter, where or how do we gain those knowledge from, either it's formal or informal, good or bad (it is not our topic of discussion right now.. hehe ~.~). 
courtesy from google

there are something in life that we will never being able to know it in detail.. no matter how curious we are, it will still remain as a SECRET that only He knows better. unquestionable~

Lets read...

Imam Malik Ibn Anas saw the Death Angel in his sleep, and the Imam asked him: " How much left for me to live?". The Angel pointed to his five fingers. Then the Imam asked him: " Does that mean 5 years, or 5 months, or 5 days ?". Before the Imam had a chance to get an answer back, he woke up.

The Imam went to someone who would interpret dreams. That man told him: " Imam Malik, when the Angel pointed to his five fingers he didn't mean 5 years or months or days, but the Angel meant that your question ' how much left for me to live' is among 5 matters that only Allah (SWT) knows about, and he recited the following verse from the Qur,an:

" Verily, with ALLAH alone is the knowledge of the Hour. And HE sends down the rain, and HE knows what is in the wombs. And no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die. Surely, ALLAH is All-Knowing, All-Aware. "" 31:34

to summarize it up,
5 matters that only Allah knows about :
1) Only He knows when will the 'kiamat' come. neither the angels nor the messenger. (so, just be prepare friends)
2) He sends down the rain. (diturunkan pada waktu yang ditetapkan dan pada kadar yang tertentu)
3) He knows what exactly happens in the mother's womb
4) No one can predict what his/her future looks like (good or bad)
5) and no one knows when and where the death will come (either it in the land or sea) 

till then. wasalam..

*p/s ::

1) sesungguhnya ilmu yang kita pelajari masih lagi sedikit jika hendak dibandingkan dengan ilmuNya.. jangan lah sesekali kita bongkak dengan ilmu itu kerana ia bukan milik kita. sama-sama lah kita bermuhasabah kembali agar ilmu yang kita peroleh diredhaNya. kerana Dialah Pemilik ilmu dan yang Maha Mengetahui segalanya~ 

2) tak berani nak elaborate panjang-panjang sebab ilmu yang kurang dalam bidang nie. Ambil lah mana yang baik dan mana-mana yang kurang sempurna atau kurang tepat harap dapat dijadikan iktibar. 
"jadikan kekurangan sebagai kelebihan. be positive! "

JUST FOR SHARING. wallahualam~ 
content taken from
dengan rujukan dari blog ini!!
and elaboration and detail merapu rapat dari shazwani saari

by the way, kepada sapa-sapa yang tak tahu #repost nie sebab apa.. boleh la klik dekat sini~


-ImanAzlan- said...

thanks wani. thanks sangat sangat.

Nabilah Yunus said...
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Nabilah Yunus said...

patutlah iman link ke entry ni.

syukran wani :)

Shazwani Saari said...

post benda nie pon sebab terkesan bila baca artikel nie..
semoga kita dapat sama-sama ambil manfaat :)

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