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Friday, 9 December 2011

#repost 1 (a new beginning in KIBA2010)

asslamualaikum, :)

wondering what "#repost" means?? (alaa tak kan repost pon tak tau, post balek laa..)
Okay, generally speaking, there are some notes in my facebook that i would love to repost back here in MY blog (its mine.. i do what i feel like to.. Suka.Ati.Ja)
well, sharing is caring right?!

then, lets start with the number 1 on the list! ready-get-set-go~


being away from family is the new beginning of life, to live independently..

been here in KIBA at Cherating was a new beginning of life, as a pre-u student..

making new friends are the new beginning of life, to build a better relationship with community..

thats what i described my life here in KIBA 2010..


for me, my family and people around me..

and as for myself..

my first time after 5 years in girls' school, to being able to communicate with boys in classes..

my first time going through arabic lesson which indeed was fun and exciting (things that i never even thought before)..

my first time being away from my family..

my first time living on my own, spends some money and doing things and everything on my OWN..hahaha~~
*evil laugh..*

being in KIBA was like being in a new dimension, the other side of the world that was yet undiscovered..

most of our time was packed with classes and activities..

and we are away from social current news, knowing nothing, meeting only people that was here in KIBA, plus rarely ONLINE..

ouuuuccchhhh, looks like i’m going back to the stone age century.. ahahah~~

but still i am loving it ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ very very much.. awi awi jiddan..

cause i know that they will be no such place like this after this 3 months..

trying to cherish every moment here, right now, dilwakti hallan..

although there still left with only one month to go..

pray for our best in life..

may ALLAH blessed all of us here..


and another chapter of my life had just end.. (well approximately,  1 year and 2 months erkkk..)
thanks for reading by the way.. (really appreciate it!!)

till then.. wasalam

*p/s :: have a great friday.. jangan lupa baca surah al-kahfi~ 

Daripada Umar berkata, Nabi SAW telah bersabda :: 
"sesiapa yang membaca surah al-Kahfi pada hari jumaat, maka bersinarlah cahaya daripada bawah kakinya hingga ke langit. Untuknya cahaya di hari kiamat dan diampunkan antara dua Jumaat" 
(Hadis Riwayat Ibnu Katsir)


-ImanAzlan- said...

heh. gua rasa gua tak berhak nak komen sini.

tapi gua nak komen jugak.

Anas Falahi adalah kawan gua dari kiba sana yang paling gua sayang.

kalau lu tak pernah duduk asrama memang rasa lain gile lah kan time kat sana.

tak apa tak apa.

gua faham perasaan tu.

lagi satu, hebat bahasa arab lu.

awi awi jiddan.


Nabilah Yunus said...

hyperbola kot!

"awi awi jiddan"

Shazwani Saari said...

awi awi jiddan.. nie bahasa arab rojak..
ammi + fushah -.-"

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