For this 'New Year' according to the islamic calendar, i would love to make a fresh new post for it! well a very very very serious one..
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and as always, when new year comes, people will start on making new resolutions with a new spirit and a new YOU :) well, i'm doing the same too ^^ ..(not going to miss all those long list of wishes and resolutions)..hehe.. >.<
On the day i arrived at egypt for my first time, i always think... that i will never again be the same old me. (well, i'm expecting for a change.. a good one of course) i'm thinking of going to arabic classes, work more harder on my work, give my 125 percent concentration during studies and getting deeply into, to know and learn more about my own religion (its the land of kinanah, the land of prophet).. it was a HIJRAH that i always dream of.. but somehow there is always this creepy little voice speak out against my doing. people have their ups and down. and so do me. well, we're just human. we can't be hundred percent good and perfect. we do mistake, and we learn from it. that is why we need a really good, great, strong supportive system to help us through out this path. Allah create us in this world, not alone. we're together!! and together we walk through this life. supporting each other :)
to step out from our comfort zone, take our first step to change is not that easy. that is why during our prophet Muhammad SAW hijjr from Mecca to Madinah, he is accompanied by his one and beloved sahabat Abu Bakar As-Siddiq. ^^
and so do us right?! (this weak and fragile human beings..uhuk uhuk).. if we think that we are not that strong enough to walk alone, find a friend to walk with. so that at the end of the road, both of us will get the benefit. mutualism right?! hehe (insyaAllah jannah, ameen) ;)
someone used to say this to me;
"Allah never promise that life would be easy, but he do promise that He will always there for us since the first start of life" (sweet kan?!)
So friends, don't ever be afraid to make a change in our life. Hijjrah is a need in every muslim's life, although we are not ask to do the same like what the Prophet SAW did during 622CE, but there's still a lot of things in our life that we need to change and improve. as a normal human being, we will never ever felt satisfied with ourself and what we had done, thus.. there is always a room for improvement!! change for a better ME~ insyaAllah kheir..
till then.. toodles~~ ♥ ♥ ♥
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"Sesiapa yang berhijrah di jalan Allah, nescaya mereka mendapati di muka bumi ini tempat hijrah yang luas dan rezeki yang banyak. Sesiapa yang keluar dari rumahnya dengan maksud berhijrah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, kemudian kematian menimpanya (sebelum sampai ke tempat yang dimaksudkan), maka sungguh telah tetap pahalanya di sisi Allah. Dan adalah Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang.."(an-Nisaa:100)
*p/s :: maaf sebab terpanjang pulak post kali ini nohh.. pesanan ikhlas buat diri penulis dan siapa-siapa yang membaca (^^) perubahan perlukan kekuatan & semangat yang tinggi, dan untuk istiqamah dan mengekalkan perubahan itu perlukan kekentalan & jiwa yang cekal.. semoga kita KUAT! Fighting!! Gambatte ne!! *winks*
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