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Sunday, 22 July 2012

Be excited! Be anticipating! Its Ramadan!!!


Alhamdulillah that we are given another opportunity to experience the month of barakah the holy month of Ramadan once again.

"Ahlan wa Marhaban ya Ramadan.." :)

and thank Allah that I manage to celebrate my first Ramadan this year with family. Last year i was still in Alexandria, Egypt, and Ramadan fall during our study leave..

But that makes no different.. Because no matter where will we be celebrating Ramadan, the reward is still the same..

What makes us different is how we spent our Ramadan?
did we make the best out of it? or just being idle and having the same routine like any other days?

Ramadan is not just a month where being hungry and not having a drink during daylight only matter, it was about how we try to manage our time, how productive we have been, and how consistent(istiqamah) we are in doing good deeds.

Starting from the time we wake up for 'sahur' till the night, how do we expect to learn from this?

[#note to self]

  • Waking up as early as 5am for sahur doesn't means that we can only eat. Take this opportunity to do some prayers, or at least zikr. 
  • and after sahur, don't try to get back to sleep. This is the time for you to be prepare for Fajr(Subuh) Prayer at the mosque,

“One who performs `Isha’ prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat for half of the night. And one who performs the Fajr prayer in congregation, is as if he has performed Salat the whole night.” [Muslim]

(...or at least we can pray together with family or friends at home)

  • Making the best out of your days and don't spend too much time on sleeping, watching tv, facebook-ing, or playing computer games.. There are still lots of other things to do instead of what is mention above. And it will be no excuses for not being productive in Ramadan! Even during the period of Prophet Muhammad SAW, Muslims are still able to be on jihad(war) against kufar.. so what makes us as a muslim if we just spend our day with unreasonable things that makes no profit to ourself and Islam?
  • Some people misunderstood the month of Ramadan as just it was just the month of fasting, and abandon other priorities such as solah and zakat. Slacking in solah is not the way how muslims should react during fasting. A good quality solah reflect to the muslim itself. People who take good care of their solah will fast and make the best out of their ramadan while people who fast because others did, will not gain anything in return except thirst and hungriness. 
  • Take this opportunity to recite the Quran. It is preferable to read it after each prayer. Don't bother to finish the Quran as fast as you can, but read it with 'tertib' and 'tartil' with the meaning itself (tadabur ayat), but if you are good enough to complete the Quran during Ramadan, that was the best! Start with a little step, from half a page to two page a day and continue on as much as you can.
  • During iftar (break the fast), eat accordingly. :) start with the sunnah; kurma. Bear in our mind that Ramadan is not the festival of food. Thus, make sure to make a list before going to any bazaar Ramadan.. hehehe >.<

Abū Hurayrah said that he heard the messenger of Allah, Muhammad SAW say:
» إِنَ لِلصَائِمِ فَرْحَتَيْنِ إِذَا أَفْطَرَ فَرِحَ، وَإِذَا لَقِيَ اهَ فَرِحَ «
"There are two times of happiness for the fasting person: when he breaks his fast he is happy and when he meets Allah he is happy"

  • And the special of Ramadan is when you can perform terawikh prayer!! yeah~ Take this opportunity to do it, cause we doesn't know if we will be given the chance to do it again next Ramadan.

That is all for now. Have a great Ramadan this year. Make it the best Ramadan that we ever had!

*p.s : RT #Ramadan Gain Taqwa, not weight! 
*p.s.s : Selagi mana ada ruang untuk lakukan kebaikan, jangan hesitate. Just do it! 
*p.s.s.s : be productive untuk Ramadan kali nie; 27 Julai talk dekat sekolah. 3,4,5 Ogos yahoo@beijing (insyaAllah). lagi lagi lagi~

*untuk sebarang rujukan hadis berkenaan puasa (klik sini)*

Sunday, 15 July 2012


psssttt.. esok dah nak balik.. heee ^^
eh silap, hari nie.. sebab dah pukul 2 pagi pon.
(memang standard update time nie eh?)

excited nak balik sebab tuh tak tidor-tidor lagi nie.. tapi sebenarnya bukan sengaja tak nak tidor, encik 'iced cappucino' dekat Rosemarino punya pasal la nie >.<

sebenarnya, kami tak plan pon nak pergi rosemarino malam nie, almaklumlah barang banyak lagi tak setel.. mula-mula tadi nak pergi rumah baru after isyak untuk hantar barang-barang yang still lagi ada dekat rumah lama. Pastu dah penat-penat angkat barang naik rumah tingkat 4 tak dak lif, nak bukak pintu rumah tak dapat-dapat.. memang cam nak nangis dan bengang semua ada lah.. sebabnya esok dah nak balik!! grrrr.. Jiran atas rumah yang baik hati pon tolong angkatkan barang sikit-sikit dan tolong bukak kan pintu rumah yang tak terbukak =.=

maybe sebab kunci rumah tuh yang copy punya kot.. yang ori ada dekat Mr.Mahmud, kitaorang bagi kunci tuh dekat dia sebab dia nak buat maintenance sikit. Jadi jalan terakhir adalah call dia suruh bawakkan kunci.. Nasib baik time call dia baru habis kerja, tapi kena tunggu sejam la jugak sebab tempat kerja dia dekat Sidi Beach.. mak aii jauh.. 30minit naik tramco, tuh kalau tak sesak laa..

Jam menunjukkan pukul 10, jadi pukul 11 la baru boleh masuk rumah.. =.=
tunggu punya tunggu sambil dengar lagu raya, rasa macam budak-budak kena tinggal bas untuk balik beraya ja.. nostalgic laa sangat..

Dan at last dia sampai, kesian jugak penat-penat balik kerja datang.. sorry Mr.Mahmud.. kitaorang tak buat dah lepas nie.. :)

Dan dah penat-penat angkut barang kami pon berjalan balik rumah ikut pantai.. sekali berdiri depan rosemarino dan Umi cakap.. "Jom beli kopi, aku belanja.."
belanja?? serious arr.. haha.. laju jaa kalau dengar ada orang cakap nak belanja nie.. ya la nak balik Malaysia nie duit dah habis.. haha..

Jadi lepak lah kitaorang dengan busuk-busuk angkat barang dalam rosemarino, dengan seluar trek, selipar jepun.. memang smart habis la.. (kat Malaysia jangan harap dapat buat camni, nak pergi kedai runcit pon pakai cantik-cantik..)

Kami lepak-lepak dalam tuh siap order pizza, chicken negresco bagai.. sampai pukul 12.. nie kalau ibu tau dah lama kena bebel sebab anak dara keluar malam-malam.. tiba-tiba rasa cam dah besar ja bila buat camni.. haih hidup bujang!! nikmatilah masa nie.. nanti dah pakat semua nak kawin tak dak siapa nak teman.. :P

Pastu sampai rumah kemas diri, kemas barang sampailah sekarang tak tidor lagi.. Tunggu subuh lagi la camni.. esok mama rumah nak jumpa before balik Malaysia.. katanya ada 'party' sikit.. haha..

Doakan kami selamat pulang!
dan selamat bermusafir buat semua kawan-kawan yang balik esok..heee :D
jangan lupa baca doa musafir...

الله أَكْبَر ، الله أَكْبَر ، الله أَكْبَر سُبْحانَ الَّذِي سَخَّرَ لَنَا هَذَا وَمَا كُنَّا لَهُ مُقْرِنِينَ وَإِنَّا إِلَى رَبِّنَا لَمُنقَلِبُونَ اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّا نَسْأَلُكَ فِي سَفَرِنَا هَذَا الْبِرَّ وَالتَّقْوَى وَمِنْ الْعَمَلِ مَا تَرْضَى ، اللَّهُمَّ هَوِّنْ عَلَيْنَا سَفَرَنَا هَذَا وَاطْوِ عَنَّا بُعْدَهُ ، اللَّهُمَّ أَنْتَ الصَّاحِبُ فِي السَّفَر وَالْخَلِيفَةُ فِي الأَهْلِ ، اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ وَعْثَاءِ السَّفَرِ وَكَآبَةِ الْمَنْظَرِ وَسُوءِ الْمُنْقَلَبِ فِي الْمَالِ وَالأَهْلِ
Maksudnya : Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar, Allah Maha Besar, Maha Suci Tuhan yang telah memudahkan kenderaan ini untuk kami, sedang kami sebelum itu tidak terdaya menguasainya. Dan sesungguhnya kepada Tuhan kamilah, kami akan kembali. Ya Allah kami memohon kepadaMu kebaikan dan ketaqwaan pada perjalanan kami dan dengan amalan yang Engkau redhai, Ya Allah ringankanlah perjalanan kami dan pendekkanlah jaraknya, Ya Allah Engkaulah Teman dalam perjalanan, dan Ketua bagi ahli keluarga, Ya Allah aku memohon perlindunganMu dari kesulitan perjalanan, pandangan yang samar, dan dari kejahatan yang boleh menimpa kepada harta dan ahli keluarga sekembalinya kami.

cc : Farahh Arshad

Friday, 13 July 2012

Lower Your Gaze!

Assalamualaikum and hello again.
i know that it is almost 2am in the morning and i'm still here writing this. I don't know why everytime that i feel like writing something, it must be around this hour.. fresh idea! but apparently i may face another trouble waking up in the morning. oohhh sweet.

I am not the kind of person who really try their best to keep on lowering their gaze upon people. I just couldn't figure out why i like staring at people while my mind keep on describing them. Yeah, i do that a lot. There is one time when i "accidently" look up at someone while thinking that, " he an arab or a malay guy? and why does his face resemble someone? had i met him before?.." and bla bla bla.. until i forgot that i was actually staring at him all the time. like "omg what am i doing?!" grrrr..

and you know the awkward moment when that person look back at you with those "why are staring at me?" face. ( lari....malu )
he/she may think that there is something wrong with their face or the way they dress up.
or even worse, they might think that you are looking at them because you like them? =.=" *sorry, i am not intend to do so*

Seriously i must learn how to NOT stare at people and keep on judging them. *husnuzon*. I couldn't no longer stand humiliating myself.

"what are you looking at?.." 
(courtesy from google)
but that just not it! i faced another problem with stalking people hobby (do people even called that a hobby?). I am not like those scary stalker, i just like to know people better.. well, some people said that we are not stalking, we are just visiting. haha :P

So sorry mate if i ever stalk you. I am not trying to be 'minah key-poh-chi', but i was trying to be a good friend (a friend who knows your likes and dislike, your family background, and etc...)

[hrmm... well i think that staring people and stalking people is the same thing. the difference is that, you stare people in real life but you stalk people through facebook or twitter which is beyond reality.. but still the mechanism is just the same, you still look at people either they realize it or not. pweh]

*p.s : if i like a person, i didn't even have a gut to look at him. (fact)
*p.s.s : i stalk, because i care. 

courtsy from google

*p.s.s.s : belajar tundukkan pandangan wani.. the less you look at people, the less you think about them. (kurang sikit dapat dosa... terpelihara hati.. iman terjaga)

do remind me whenever i did that freaking staring.. haha :D


Tuesday, 10 July 2012


"....i'm moving.. i'm moving.. i'm moving yeah!!.."

haha.. we are moving to a new place, insyaAllah better than before. Well before was okay, but this one is a lot cheaper! (hope that i can make a great saving with this..)

Firstly Alhamdulillah that examination was over... eerrr like almost a week! (was too busy searching for a house and didn't have much time updating, deeply sorry)

"How was the exam?..." please don't ask! because i don't have any answer for that question. :)
Honestly, i just do my best. Well, it may not be my very best.. but at least i try to make it my best! hahahaha.. 

"How was the house?..." well, this one I can tell you!

  • Condition : Furnished
  • 3 Bedrooms + Living Room (facing the sea) + Kitchen + 1 Bathroom 
  • LE 1800 per month
satisfied :)

after all those hardship we had gone through.. the search has finally come to an end. It was a lot more harder compare to before. I can't even give an exact number of houses that we have seen. too many!! like 10++.. errrgghh.

and throughout this time, there are lots of things to learn and gain experience with. How to deal with the 'arabs', to constantly be patient, to never give up although you just feels like there are no more chance of getting a proper house, and to always and keep on believing that Allah is planning something better for you everytime you are being disappointed by endless failure.

well, thats all for now!
will be busy and busier for the settle down, pray for us.

"When Allah answers your prayer, He’s increasing your faith. When He delays, He’s increasing your patient. When He doesn’t answer, He has something better for you." [quoted]
cc : this blog

*p/s ::

1) to-do-list : 
(tomorrow) clean the house 
(the day after tomorrow) pindah!!

2) jom kita ramai-ramai exercise angkat barang!! hulurkan bantuan, ringankan beban.. #eh? >.<