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Sunday, 31 July 2011

JOm Puasa!!


"esok posa.. ye ye.." :).
pray to Allah for giving us the chance to experience this month full of barakah once again..

but this year Ramadhan is not going to be the same like before.. cause right now.. i'm not in MALAYSIA
and its mean tat, this year ramadhan they will be NO family to iftar with, NO upin ipin, NO ketuk-ketuk ramadhan, NO syahadah, NO jejak rasul and NO bazaar~~~~~~~~~~ (T___T)

but is that what Ramadhan means to YOU...??
the answer is still NO..!!
cause Ramadhan still ramadhan, even you are staying at the end of the world.. there will still be ramadhan.. the   rewards is still the same.. (well, till now i never heard someone saying tat fasting in malaysia will be double the reward than fasting in egypt, right??)

thus, ignore all that.. gain new experience..!! fasting in the middle of final exam without keluarga tercinta  , terawih in sutuh or kalu nk try bleh la join mama2 arab nie solat skli.. hehe. its the land of PROPHET!! 
bumi kinanah, grab this opportunity in month of barakah.. bukn senang nk dpat ohhh... *sila la jeles..haha*
(okay... x yah membebel.. kurangkn berckap.. nak msuk bln posa dah nie.. TRANSFORMASI DIRI)

till then.. wasalam~


Thursday, 28 July 2011

help me to make my 1st move..

 The OWNER of my heart...
when i talk a lot, pause me.
when i laugh out loud, remind me.
when i am in a bad mood, cheer me.
when i feel lonely, stay beside me.
help me to be the BETTER me. ameen~


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Grown Up!!

peace be upon you dear readers~

everyone will eventually grow up.. to be more matured and else..
but sometimes, we prefer to stay just like we used to be in the past..
it is hard to admit that we are big enough to leave on our own, be independent and becoming more considerate towards others..

childhood is indeed the greatest memories u can have..! toys, cartoons, fairytales, cool costumes, chocolates, zillion of friends to play with!! wuahh *burst of feeling* (missing my old toys.. T_T) 
but unfortunately we never realize that GREATEST moment until we have grown up!!
"sesungguhnya manusia tidak akan pernah bersyukur dgn apa yg dimilikinya sehingga dia kehilangannya" right??

thus, cherish every moment that we had.. be thankful to Allah for all the moments we ever had in our life.. the memories may be remain in our heart, but trust me that it will not be the same even if we're trying to create it back.. time changes everything, and people moved on~

till then.. wasalam~

toys are giving away for donation..
grown up Andy is giving away his old toys T_T
p/s:: actually baru pas tgok crita Toy Story3.. sedih sangat(to the power of 100) T_T.. Andy bagi woody, buzz, dan mainan2 lain dkt budak perempuan kecik nie.. sobs3~ *teary eyes*
ok. forget about it.. cerita ja pon.. uhuk2~

Saturday, 9 July 2011


*sigh* again, this university life..
it was my first time being away from family in this long period of time (so far as i can remember) and i guess i do miss my family a lot, my neighborhood(tak pasal2), and my schoolmate. :'(
with this.. i started to realize that reality is indeed a serious thing! (well, you are the one who didn't take it serious at first) -,-'
cause it's even hard to find a friend who really understand you well.. who knows mostly everything about you (well, i must not say everything, but...) she/he do understand you everytime you are going ups and down through life.. :)

BFF or whatSoEver people called it, is someone who you really care, who you spends second most of your precious time with~(well the first would surely be my family..keh2) eventough sometimes we do fight, but that doesn't make our relationship tears apart.. cause we learn to appreciate more of our friendship right?!

you'll be blessed when you find someone which what u called her/him TRUE FRIEND~
and when you do find them, be thankful to Allah.. cause true friends are like one in a million.. 

*p/s : dedicated to all my friends out there.. seriously, i miss you! (fatin, alysya, ema, nanie, syaza, mimie, widad, syahirah and etc...)
yg x mention jgn terasa tao..sebab sebenarnya saya sayang hampa semua :) hehe..penulis blog nie malas nak tulis banyak2..

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

a place called HOME

i miss a place called HOME..
where my mind can be at ease..
and there shall be no pain..
and no worries..

*p/s: someone please take me home =.=" (haaachumm....)